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Seals & Signatures

by Endlager

Dear customers Well I heard some rumours that Bill and Hill as Chelseas C. family near Swiss state bank and Swiss far right have already in the USA begun again to do some race hunt not only man hunt. Religious issues to the max. So I have to write down the lines of words in this song after I have set this hours ago on BC (not Before Christ in time scedules meant!). Based on the quite entry quotations as to say in Martin Luther reformators words almost taken from this book one here: https://www.verlagshaus-roemerweg.de/Berlin_University_Press/Martin_Luther-Matthias_Morgenstern_(Hrsg.)-Dass_Jesus_Christus_ein_geborener_Jude_sei-EAN:9783737413305.html Dass Jesus Christus ein geborener Jude sei und andere Judenschriften Martin Luther / Matthias Morgenstern (Hrsg.) Nach den kommentierten Neuausgaben von Martin Luthers späten »Judenschriften« des Jahres 1543 Von den Juden und ihren Lügen (2016) und Vom Schem Hamephorasch und vom Geschlecht Christi (Martin Luther und die Kabbala, 2017) folgt nun die Edition der anderen »Judenschriften« des Reformators: Dass Jesus Christus ein geborener Jude sei (1523), Wider die Sabbater (1538), Von den letzten Worten Davids (1543) und seine letzte Vermahnung wider die Juden (1546). --- It is mainly or in mainstream told Luther had been an anitsemite. Well for me as on my 1st recordings not true. It has to do with the false jewish, those which proclaim to be as to get benefits as monies into hands. Say robbers and else or quite mafia like back then as heathen and not knowing the circumcision as not to question as one borrows money.. . So the synagogue satanae is just that. And most as old Germanics as from bronze age known women were then moving and having also more in the say as matrilienarity then came to be as having I guess collected far more riches and patrilokalität as in German pronounced hasn't been the jewish or old germanic tribes heritage lines. So here for more such alll Jesus hasn't been then dying or so.. . To mind as Isaac and Ismael both sons of Abraham while Jesu could have been another as judeo christ as the hebrew Moses or jewish haven't been a single ethnic genetically tense folk as newer research say. It has to with Tetrarchy and bloodlines as trickery... . And so these words for the Auschwitz and 2 WW concentration camps as turning always around the riddles made up during millenia. As the reformation of christendom or the splitting up strategy by could be also due matri and partilinearity or heritage questions the real fights and also witch hunts have been as 4 Caesaria while older Juulians as Agrippa and else have been Germanic and in Judea Roman empire issues or Judean war by Roman empire quite hidden and now tradatated in editions. So not to complain about my ideas I took from the by me chosen books. I haven't been able to read all and have a lot of books interesting only as 'pamphlets'. As the cannibal issue is also in the today called racism debate as Luther was then the pig or for Jewish /Hebrew and muslims forbidden due tapeworm and other parasite unsober flesh. And erm the pig skin is nearer than ape skin to our skin.. . Known from crusade and Hannibal punic wars the cannibalism tribes in Europe. Check out also NILE and other Metal bands lyrics on such same issues. But now really now the lyrics. Martin Luther in Rageous Words Martin Luther with force Fiercly attacked the liars And damned Baptists to have called him to believe Christ was even from Abrahams semen Luther labbeled them to damn evangelium And accused them to even eat Turks [muslims] Literum novis mendacijs Doctrina mea tradicitur He spoke about imbecile, popes, bishops Sophists and monks , grave donkeyheads Have treaten hebrews as such as which Have been good christians could have become jewish And Martin Luther added if he had been a jew And had seen those imcompetents teach Christendom Martin Luther told he had rather liked To become a pig than a christian Literum novis mendacijs Doctrina me tradicitur Omnium minime ferendum Novam hanc haeresia sparhur dicor
A song on Korea with relations to my Tao Tieh Album. Is quite interesting as some could say also possible children of slave mothers could sit on the Dragon Throne as in Koryo has been seated. Funny story I have the 1swt edition and read it as I came from some internships experiences back from Geneva in the train. Not the same cover and then Mr Ban Ki Moon was elected or chose.. . Funny ain't it? Some sort of egotrippin. Well the point is the whole shrine and war crimes of only 2nd WW in Asia have a complete different background as one of the greater Japanese rulers or families are called even PackChe as their roots could be also in say Korea as Koryo.. . If that was taken into account during the past 70 years or only 50 years. There has a lot been then gotten forgotten. And erm I mixed some ethnic issues in this text, while said Japan was also setlled from the continet and the Ninja itself is due export of Chinese ideas or fighting styles. Point is the land claims as in feudal system as Japan still is could lead to whole other also if reestablished in Koryo Korea today the Japanese throne or even Chinese (the Shin ethnos or people) throne. Other ethnics like Mongolians and Tibetese are also righted as having had already some of them as Dragon throne. And so the whole todays situation is as only Emperor left to ban T'ao T'ieh is the Japanese emperor. https://www.chbeck.de/eggert-plassen-kleine-geschichte-koreas/product/21986025 Eggert, Marion / Plassen, Jörg Kleine Geschichte Koreas Die koreanische Halbinsel liegt zwischen China und Japan am Schnittpunkt unterschiedlicher Kulturen und im Visier wechselnder Großmächte. Das Buch beschreibt die Geschichte des Landes von der ersten Besiedlung bis zur gegenwärtigen Teilung. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt dabei der koreanischen Kultur, insbesondere Religion, Philosophie, Literatur und Kunst. Washington, 10. August 1945: Unmittelbar nach dem Atombombenabwurf auf Nagasaki wird im amerikanischen Verteidigungsministerium der 38. Breiteng... --- Koryo PaekChe as Beyond slavery Trinity of kingdoms Later on as Koryo known Onjo told to have found the one feared Paekche by name In Nippon one of the great commanding Kings was Named Paekche as Origin to hide in the east Green Blue dragon to ban T'ao T'ieh Buddha as heathen like Ainu Confucius for the state officials Shinto as to remain to ban T'ao T'ieh Mongolian red turbans frightend Land of the Shin and Han beyond Kongmin Wang as Mongolian mothers son Was to set reforming by brutality Monk Sin Ton as to builld Neo confuscian state Sin Ton reformed land ownership and slavery Some become His son with a slave mother was backed up by General Yilmin as King 11 year old U White tiger in the west Red Phoenix of the south Black northern warrior Green blue dragon in the east To ban T'ao T'ieh
Quite interesting what USSR and 3 Reich have had as planed during Spanish civill war for actions to come. On my Splinters in Time album and the family Rosenberg prominently in it mentioned. On my Comet Socius Rerum Fatalium the one name as Amt Rosenberg in 3 Reich as in here the USSR ambassador in Spain just right at the civil war beginning.. . The information taken as some Bill and Antiono and Arska fear to read once more again. Main point is the left republic was kind of installing the prepared gold robbery from 3 Reich and the Swiss state as the lottery disc for money drain. Say the flight of Nazis to Southern America and some to northern America and the whole 2 states solution as Clinton took only up and hold that up as the conflict then should go on.. . While he didn't care about the agreement on all Nazigold by Swiss state made even up with the 3 Reich and Allies knew this all as they insisted that Switzerland is gonna pay all to 3 Reich also then afterwards to the BRD western Germany. And the EU was before the 2nd World War planned already. Means a lot of questions as far more issues about our all one common earth future. As at the league of nations the tracks got laid. And only bashing Switzerland is not the right thing. all of our nations have the guilt then to bear, or what all the political plays had to be. https://www.amtsdruckschriften.bar.admin.ch/viewOrigDoc.do?id=10033480 Bericht des Bandesrates an die Bundesversammlung über die XVIII. Völkerbundsversammlung. (Vom 20. Dezember 1937.) ... T. Tätigkeit der Kommissionen '). A. Studienkommission für die Europäische Union. Auf Antrag des Bureaus hatte die Versammlung beschlossen, für das kommende Amtsjahr den Auftrag dieser Kommission zu erneuern und die Frage auf die Tagesordnung zu setzen. Gestützt auf diesen Beschluss und auf Wunsch der griechischen Delegation wurde die Kommission durch ihren ... --- And so the other plans as pointed on the former albums and EPs too then was the NY state as to pay to whom then such monies in the world or USA' The US dept of justice has kind of caught such a ryhming on AC DC Schmolz.. . And erm remember the Hells Angels stood always to Jimi Hendrix.. . German name Hendrix by origin is.. . Needless to say we are not having to do as such all. We have our planet and our kind to care about as one. Just if some might accuse me in the USA as told to be Arnie to attempt or.. . https://www.chbeck.de/collado-seidel-spanische-buergerkrieg/product/16487875 Collado Seidel, Carlos Der Spanische Bürgerkrieg GESCHICHTE EINES EUROPÄISCHEN KONFLIKTS Der Spanische Bürgerkrieg, 1936 bis 1939, gehört zu den großen Tragödien des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zwar liegen seine Ursprünge in lange ungelösten innerspanischen Konflikten, aber im Verlauf wurde Spanien zum Kristallisationsort europäischer Gegensätze und ideologischer Kämpfe. Das vorliegende Buch führt ein in die wichtigsten Aspekte des Krieges, es schildert die tiefen politischen Gegensätze der spanischen Gesellschaft vor dem militärischen Aufstand, erläutert die Phasen der Parteinahme von außen... --- Spanish Civil War Laid tracks After 1848 as Vatican almost abolished by violence officially in the world as policy Creation of natrions in blood hath to be Spain after 1 WW where empires and monarchies ended Programmatic policy from 1848 and in large socialism and liberalism Were forged to again in blood sheds to come In Spain some riddles are to be found As reasons for Spanish civil war Americas own new nations as loss or as programme Stalin and USSR interferetion accepted Largo Cabballero as left government had Heard as known as pressure by hidden Kriegsziel By sovjet ambassador Marcel Rosenberg warnings Division as no Caesario Il Francisti But republic against monarchy And most Stalin liked Spain to forbid And [totum pro parte - pars par to-to] confiscate foreign property to come in near future Prepare as social To let pass robbed gold of by far right called No lottery rotary disc wheel
This one herte source is quite interesting as the rumours of war atrocities in KZs are true and since a few years some taboos also fell. Cannibalism has occured among inmates and camp brothels and what all else. So this one here before the 2 WW and 3 Reich and the cannibalism in USSR camps also death camps before the war with 3 Reich ... . Quite macabre as in Swiss ph.d. is also written about these strange circles of flour in that region. As could be like for rituals used as to summon demons. Normally one takes salt, but what the heck shall I know. This agreement on trade of bones are human bones not excluded and the amount. As Maggi is made out of bone mark and the magic ritual of eating (also here Jesus flesh as gods son as heavenly one or human). It is known that some hunter and gatherers communites have eaten or smoked human brains or flesh. The magic belief of gaining by eating or smoking the power of the enemy is the main driving idea in this very macabre one song. And erm glue has long been made also out of bones. To say quite interesting as trading in bones as Swiss state has noted at league of nations. And the slavery was officially abolished in 1975 but still been or is still an issue. Here the source for my hypothetical suggestion. As some traders are around as lamp skin made out of human skin in 3 Reich Kzs are known from the trials afterwards on war atrocities. https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/45/452_477_438/de 0.946.282 BS 14 297; BBl 1929 I 393 Übersetzung1 Internationale Vereinbarung betreffend die Ausfuhr von Knochen Abgeschlossen in Genf am 11. Juli 1928 Von der Bundesversammlung genehmigt am 20. Juni 19292 Ratifikationsurkunde der Schweiz hinterlegt am 27. Juni 1929 In Kraft getreten am 1. Oktober 1929 (Stand am 1. Oktober 1929) ... --- International Agreement on Export of Bones After famine in the USSR Below Stalingrad the Gulag for the cannibals Nasino to be found where white powder As flour as could be occult Circles for grinded out of bones In 1929 Presidents of former Emperor ground and Kings and Indian Imperator and Presidents and leaders of new found states Agreed on trade with bones For grinded out Agreement on trade of bones Should be deposited at General secretariat Of league of nations Human bones used for rituals or glue While old decapitated ones even on Human bones as built on the dead Ancient Rome and revolutionary Paris Not sold the USSR leaving the league of nations And cancelled Haag Convention on war
From Flavius Josephus taken as the one ancient author on the Judea War by roman empire facts as with some more riddles or what for the whole 2 WW Naziploitation for has been made up and kind of planned during Julius Caesear times as it seems. Here the book. https://www.reclam.de/detail/978-3-15-020344-6/Flavius_Josephus/Geschichte_des_Judaeischen_Krieges Für Theologen wie Historiker ist die Geschichte des Judäischen Krieges von Flavius Josephus bis heute ein wichtiger Quellentext. Als Militärkommandant in Galiläa war Flavius Josephus Augenzeuge des Jüdischen Aufstandes gegen Rom (66–70 n. Chr.). Später wechselte er die Seiten und wurde zum Berater der Römer bei der Belagerung Jerusalems, das im Jahr 70 fiel. In Rom verfasste er später die Geschichte dieses Krieges. ... --- As so many issues on my older records, well same issues, but more connections and more facts leading to this question above as one can think it is only for feeding war god El or what or whose homin divine like show cases or.. . Herod has been himself married to woman by name Mariamme and has killed his own son and walked as creating after Triumvirum also or established Tetrarachy. And erm the temple of Salem could have been had to get destroyed for hiding such noble gentry bloodline questions and haeresy by Herod himself. Not the money changing which could have been the Kapparot ritual and Jesus didn't like to spend humans as golden heirs or what all. Many vayring interpretations could be in it. As the problem as Judeo Hellenist and Judeo Christ as Christians established as larger jewish people and the whole Holocaust issues are as cooperation committed. Who gets offered to War Gods? Those all which get killed, ain't it? And the means of ancient Israel, there have been at least 2 kingdoms or priest kingdoms . Check out that one book here. https://www.dtv.de/buch/israel-finkelstein-das-vergessene-koenigreich-34916/ Mythen eines alte Königreichs Vom 10. bis zum 8. Jh. v. Chr. gab es das Königreich Israel. In der Bibel waren die Könige dieses Nordreichs Sünder und deshalb ging ihr Reich unter – im Gegensatz zum Südreich Juda, aus dem David und Salomon stammten. Doch die archäologischen Funde zeigen, dass tatsächlich in Israel der Palast und der Tempel lagen. Dort entstanden zentrale Erzählungen wie die vom Stammvater Jakob oder vom Auszug aus Ägypten. Das alte Königreich wurde vergessen, doch sein Name und seine Mythen überdauerten und gingen um die Welt. ... --- That old Israel got destroyed in war called Armageddeon. And that esoteric business shouldn't be then misleading or such kind of conspiring say liked to be Caesarios mislead us all today. I. Naeniam Canticum Irae - Herod Tetrarch Herod as own son slaying In the world a king over Judea not Northern Israel Has invocated as system to be among Kings Metatrons Ascension to God He walked among Marcus Antonius Who brought Caesaria in Trium Vir As to follow herod married to Mariamme Tetrarchy To conjure The Ascension as Christ Sectio Aurea Proportio Divina Vitruvia Euclids curse Herod enlarged as living in the temple with 4 palaces [named] Antonia - Kaisereia - Agrippineion And his own as Roman Judeo Hellenist Tetrarchy To walk as above Tetrarach King of Kings Sectio Aurea Proportio Divina Sanguinem Vitruvian Euclids Curse Rome Troy Sea tribes Horses Wolves emanation of to tame Aedes Capitolina to come Deus Jupiter - Juno Regina - Minerva Trinity while Jupiter rides in Quadriga Arminius under command of Varus Quentilibus Etruscian old noble Roman empire gentry As commander Sabinus walkin' Judea
Here the 2nd one Conjuring Song for wrath. has to do with the ancient meaning of Holocaust what als the Catholic church and other descendants knew. That's the old by Coptic church also until today practiced as in many more culture. The main thing is then as Christians as Judaic ritual or older one keeping up as descending standing as for also human. One has to look for that all and then means the complete extinction as all should become as the messiah supreme kind of as Basilisques angry merchants the dragon which holds Gods throne. Can be also understood as one of the 11 tribes of God. As Flavius Josephus also has mentioned that the exchange or route to the Forum Romanum is kind of having been planned. Also the meaning of women in Reformist witchhunt can be due such all. Tetrarchy and the 5th standing above all. So most 4 or 5 women have been burned as like early christians. Means as Kapparot rite the had to become by Pope then the money changer, bankers to say quite near or.. , the jewish have been then also to let money spent. Exploitation of a special sort while means the upper King in later on times have been seen or should be standing as kings of Judea. Kind of follower up of Herod. II: Naeniam Canticum Irae - JudeoHellenist Dividing Herods founding town Kaisereia One of the birth for the many songs to come On conjuring wrath to praise War God [El the Hebrew War God] Kaisereia jewish synagogue for God El Stood on hellenic property a basilica Market tender in Judoe Hellenist liked to hinder faithful to praise Sabbath Wrath arose As hellenist ruffnecks Spilt blood of a cock Summoning Kapparot Jesus committed Kapparot by denying before 4 palaces tmeple the money changer The Kapparot cock to slaughter or spending money as the Basilisque stands to drive madness Holocaust the rite to let birds [to become or chicken] extinct The Basilsques birth by blood of a cock Wrath to arise JudeoChrist hellenic Forced division of one Kaisereia By spilling Blood of a cock Summoning Kapparot To rise as dragon of the Holy ones throne
That one here as to point at fine MANILLA ROAD song on Saint Henri. As in here I took the ancient Roman Latin words from sources reprinted. It is quite interesting that the Church books tell of that Arminius kind of Lucia. As he as husband of a wife of old Roman Empire Gentry Varus Quentilibus (the finnish speaking minority in Norway are called the Kven and are autochton. And not sapmi people to be precise, while could have been in Roman Empire times such Miles. the Sapm people have the most Southern European Haplogroup today in Fennoscandinavia. I was myself quite shocked as I read that on such medical science pages published) could have fled to Fennoscandia. Well the story is brief. Saint Henric itself as sent missionary was then by angry heathen Lalli killed and his fingers have been later on found as like Odins ravens have shown the people the whereabout . The fingers have been iced in the black river Aura. Say black as river Styx. Just in case one likes to ask. The source book with catholic church sources reprinted or Lutheran texts on Martyr Saint Henric. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24683927-pyh-n-henrikin-legenda Tutkimuksessa on ensi kertaa kartoitettu ja koottu yhteen Suomen vanhimman kirjallisen teoksen, Pyhän Henrikin latinankielisen legendan säilynyt lähdemateriaali. Näin kuva maamme varhaishistorian tärkeimmästä hahmosta täsmentyy, kun keskiaikaisten käsikirjoitusten avulla seurataan Henrikin pyhimyselämäkerran kehittymistä ja leviämistä Suomesta Skandinaviaan ja edelleen kes ... --- He is a martyr as well as he did on duty. And erm the Nordic crusades never have been much of a big issue in western world. Only the ones to the holy land. Also the crusades as Nordic the one against Poland LIthuania during medieval times not that much in the focus. But should have been. Would have avoided many many crimes as brawls to not finished Nurnberg trials and such knowledge had to be hidden even after the fall of the Iron Curtain. guess we should all find together and become one community . World community as in Hybris by the pain having been obstructed on us all. As Wotan or Odin is to be said having arrived in Northern Europe from South and erm Anglia as Danelag Danes Law to be reminded as well. Say Wooden the druids or shamans of Germanic or Celto germanic with Welsh Roman Empire priests as War God El. Who has never been thinking that Celtics and other ones while so much known have been in Roman legions, while war thirsty or poor hebrews could have never been engaged in Romanic Legions? Saint Henrics Light - In the Oblivion Shadow Arminius Martyrs invocation of Saint Henri martyr In villa Kaisalum pater et mater Cum filium mortuum pararent ad involvendum invocabant patrocinium beati Henrici Cumque fecissent sancto pro eo votum qui iacebat mortuus mox revivit [In the village Kaisalum father and mother appeared with a dead son to invoilve an invocation of a patronage of Saint Henric And when they commited a holy vow for him, lying dead soon revived] In referring rememberance Filia Anton de Wemo, Lucia nomine Cum defuncta a parentibus plangeretur Ad invocationem beati sancti Henrici Subito restituta est vite Pariter et saluti [The daughter of Anton de Wemo, Lucia by name of the When parents lamented her dead By invocation of Saint Henry Suddenly restored to life Instantly saved/ healed As before having been Regnante illustrisimo rege sancto Erico in Svecia Venerabilis pontifex beatus Henricus in Anglia oriundus Conspicuus vite sanctitate et morum honestate preclarus Cum vero plebs Finlandiae tunc ceca et crudelis gentilbus habitantibus in Svecia gravia dampna frequenter inferet [During the reign of the king illustrisious St. Erik in Sweden The venerable Saint Henric pontifex in Anglia born Noteworthy for the life of purity and a utstanding behavior by integrity / honesty Since, then, blind and cruel the people of Finland often inflict serious damage on those living in Sweden] Having told the the Evangelia Gospel Quad salutis remedium vir ille sanguinem contempsit et in sue vertit Odio habens se salubiter arguentum Ispumque crudeliter trucidavit [ - Lalli the peasant heaten - Because the ill man didn't get a - medical- remedy The blood heated up and - mood - changed Hateful having strongly by evidence He killed the landlord] For Odens ravens Digitus martyris glorisi in hyeme absicius postinere Cum annulo psius est inventus in quadam particula glaciei [The martyrs fingers cut from came in the winter back as found on an ice shell frozen - 2 ravens picking on has been tradated - ]
Here one track on Burgundy. I had the idea the one main riff or song basic sounds quite french medieval like. As I read the new book here on Burgundy I had to get the Attila story in it. It is quite interesting that on both sides fought various germanic tribes. And even as winner always the cousins of Burgund. Romans and Germanics have been equal at founding of the kingdom as Romanics integrated into the Germanic Burgundic led Burgundy. https://www.chbeck.de/burgund/product/30142413 Van Loo, Bart Burgund DAS VERSCHWUNDENE REICH Burgund ist ein Wunder. Das mächtige Reich, das sich im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich schob, vereinte spätmittelalterliche Hochkultur mit einer Blüte von Renaissance und Humanismus. Bart Van Loo erzählt die Geschichte des Reiches von der Antike bis zu seinem plötzlichen Untergang um 1500 so spannend, dass sich dem Leser die Welt der Ritterturniere und Stundenbücher, der Herzöge und Handelsstädte, die Welt Jan van Eycks und François Villons unvergesslich einprägt.... --- The main Troyan like is the fact that Attila has after his own death won as his former envoy had his son on the western roman empire on the throne and Germanic Odoaker killed that Romulus Augustulus and Orestes the father killed. And Western Rome was destroyed. Burgundia surived. But now to the lyrics on the battle at Troyes: Aetius vs Attila 447 - Battle at Troyes After having been paid by Rome to defeat Burgundia Attila in 447 King of the Huns centered in Hungaria devastated Belgia Gallia On both sides Rome and Attila fought many germanic people At the Catalaun fields Near Troyes they met Aetius against Attila Troijan horse bloodlines in defeat each other united Aetius managed to win a hill Attila let his priests and clairvoyants predict the future the defeat Attila yelled he likes to throw the 1st spear and those who not follow have to die While Visigoth King Theoderich fell from the horse aAnd own trampled him to death Attila had to flee He began to worry And let erect a pyre he liked to die in rather in fire than surrender Aetius convinced his fellowship And let Attila flee Rome and Burgundy saved as no battle next day Orestes former envoy of the Golden Horde and father of emperor child Romulus Augustulus has been as last remain of West Rome Killed by Germanic Odoaker
As in other tracks of mine only mine property the main issue is settlement and conflict in Europe which led or expressed itself in the 2 WW most in Poland. For me the jewish issue is also hiding far too much and the whole cold war times I grew up with had to enable longer term sceduled policies. That fine book one here: https://www.verlagshaus-roemerweg.de/Marix_Verlag/Thomas_Wuensch-Der_weisse_Adler-EAN:9783737411165.html Der weiße Adler Die Geschichte Polens vom 10. Jahrhundert bis heute Thomas Wünsch GOLDENE FREIHEIT, TOLERANZ, FREMDBESTIMMUNG. Polen ist seit tausend Jahren ein Nachbarland Deutschlands, und doch erschöpft sich das Allgemeinwissen oft in wenigen, meist negativen Stereotypen. Dabei hat Polen in seiner Geschichte immer wieder sehr erfolgreiche Phasen zu bieten: als slawisches Staatswesen im Mittelalter, das die Zersplitterung überwinden und zu einem Königreich zusammenwachsen konnte; als adelige Republik in der Frühen Neuzeit, die für zahlreiche Nationen und Konfessionen eine friedliche Heimstatt war; und schließlich als Musterland der demokratischen Opposition im 20. Jahrhundert, als der Gewerkschaft »Solidarnosc« der Ausbruch aus dem Staatssozialismus gelang. Thomas Wünsch erarbeitet und bewertet die Hauptlinien der polnischen Geschichte, informiert über alle Epochen und stellt die Verbindungen zur deutschen Geschichte heraus. Wer Polen, sein kulturelles Erbe und seine Rolle in Europa über die Zeiten hinweg verstehen will, liegt mit diesem Buch genau richtig. --- As Polos the Hellenic Titan of the North as Krios the one of the South mentioned as Creols are the same name bearing as Hellenic Greek Titan.. . And the Polish Lithuanian kingdom has been large and home ground where in Russia was born kind of like in the Kraina. Say the Ukraine is a special area as heart of Russian kingdom which then by Ivan the terrible was set to Moskva. In Poland Lithuania the heathendom survived as could have been already a mixture of Germanic and Slavic alike. As the Frankish crusades by name Nordic Crusades as the German Knights Order has been labbelled also the Frankish to mark Karl Martell Charles Le Magne. There are so many varying sides and facettes as in Germany itself the Slesian question or more issue have been long also like a heart beat made headlines. Well today we don't need to ask as in th3e 1930 ties planned at league of nations as the 2 nd WW was forseen and tough the European Union was planned and the outlines of the new after 2nd WW times have been planned. We don't need that kind anymore as standpoint of mine now clear. Who thinks else does so and that these ones will feel. Polos Peoples Blood Spilt in 1000 years Polos Titan of the North By Black sea before Christ settled The land medieval of heathens Poland Lithuania The vast realm from eastern to black sea The blood of own Many tribes & Nobles & peasants As itself for 2 large neighbours Identity needed German Knights Frankish brought In crusades Christendom in the west Kiovan Rus from east orthodox belief Russia born in Polos land as Lithuanians Great Kings in union & marriage Powers changed The mighty fell And decline for new times ethnicity to come National questions romanticed Sarmatians sought to contradict the Sejm Monarch divine against the parliament As no absolute one was to rule In sole Polos Land Born with Gothae line In 1848 Germans had ease joy for Polish Their own kind with tongues varying While contradictions had to arise For later 2 great dictators Stand above
A fine book explaining a lot and also as for many the real expanses of Nazism or more the older ideologies in it as the 3 Reich planned as to loose for one could really tell has been made up since long. For now so much. mr Josef Grabowski, what is for the German Thrash scene and else also a German name as like Dombrowski while also Polish has been a cantor. in 1938 he had incarcarated in Buchenwald was permitted to flee to Norway where he got a job as cantor and then was quite fast to Falstad Norwegian Concentration camp incarcarated as the mass murder plan was set into force. Well I also mentioned the many young Norwegian which joined as volunteers the Waffen SS VIking Legion as due other ideas about the whole war. I read in various books they thought to fight defending Finland against USSR. And that one here is now kind of the scientific and the thing about Clintons 'distant Swedish relatives' as EUPEDIA wrote is then he as should never have dealt with Switzerland and kind of never respected no ones nations war history and international law is just written and only disrepected. It is the full edition of the book I have. And could be that many many are interested what it has in it. Well one thing is interesting in that case. One later on US Army hero Green Beret has been forced as not on front but in a sub as from Northern Europe from a long range mission coming back to commit war crimes behind the lines, what some Finnish told have Germans not wanted as only Germans should be the war criminals as for later war route and OECD observers and more also for the whole Nazigold agreements and say hidden Kriegsziele made out with all allies say as brothers in arms and enemies I suggest. As logics tell one so. https://arkisto.fi/uploads/Julkaisut/sarjajulkaisut/SS-VOLUNTEERS_verkkoon.pdf LARS WESTERLUND The Finnish SS-VOLUNTEERS AND ATROCITIES 1941–1943 --- Well in one book them all Waffen SS Legions had to become war criminals. As the USSR has enabled that all by leaving Haag Convention on war and was kicked out of the league of nations. Stalin himself has also set of order the persecution of war crimes by own Red Army soldiers. There have been other Kriegsziele on both sides or all sides as cooperation in mass murder to say as result for other goals in international politcis and international laws. Mr Grabowski died in Auschwitz quite fast. His rememberance and say also Money Nazigold question is for Norway as for the 93 000 victims of Norway also Lutherans in mainly Buchenwald also for Clinton and Switzerland a big point. So NATO and Mr Stoltenberg as for Denmark mr Rassmussen. Erm said one 'Master of Puppets' and 'Ride the Lightning'? Just in case. Rasmusen is a name quite often seen. https://www.waxmann.com/waxmann-buecher/?tx_p2waxmann_pi2%5bbuchnr%5d=4130&tx_p2waxmann_pi2%5baction%5d=show Ina Rupprecht (Hrsg.) Persecution, Collaboration, Resistance Music in the ‘Reichskommissariat Norwegen’ (1940–45) 2020, Münsteraner Schriften zur zeitgenössischen Musik, Band 5, 184 Seiten, broschiert, 24,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-4130-9 When Germany invaded Norway on 9 April 1940, the long lasting bilateral relations changed fundamentally. Immediately, the administration of the ‘Reichskommissariat Norwegen’ (responsible for culture and therein music together with the Norwegian puppet regime’s department for culture) implemented the adaption to the new, official National Socialist guidelines. The diversity of music in Norway during the occupation is presented in this book by Norwegian and German authors, confronting research on collaboration, persecution, and resistance for the first time as an international endeavour. The different essays illustrate not only examples of exile and persecution and ask for the consequences of Nazi politics on prominent and forgotten fates, but depict how Norwegian artists and their organisations positioned themselves towards collaboration or resistance during and after the war, as well as contrasting it with the impressions of German musicians, both military and civilian, playing in Norway during the occupation. Including Norway into the international discourse on ‘Music and Nazism’, the articles address readers both interested in the German occupation of Norway, and the implications the German administration and its Norwegian counterparts had on the music life. ---- I Resistance in Compulsion for Solace - On Josef Grabowski Solstice as in eclipse Weltenbrand in the dark While young Norwegians liked to fight For Finland in [Waffen SS] Viking Legion Where all had to become sinners in war crimes made easy by order Find Solace as in compulsion Find an inner combustion Find the salvation as dying For the meaning in senses unknown The German jewish Cantor Grabowski from Buchenwald Permitted to flee to Norway as non politcal refugee Lived in Trondheim where once the Black King From far east has ruled and Grabowski sang as cantor 25th January 1941 after Wannsee The Reichskommisariat turned his permission down Incarcarated him in Norwegian [KZ] Falstad and then To Auschwitz where he had to work and died Geirr Tveitt had his Norse in mind And was officially Nazist while he hid Resistance and kept to play jewish and russian music As the key entry for the Klassenkampe Song in Norwegian Falstad Sang the resistance Of equality
The same book as inspiration and also facts taken. Geirr Tveitt is a Norwegian composer and the riddle on Norwa in my song on SAS and Mil Org Norwegian Resistance and the long known taboo conflict rich non talking about 3 Reich and also persecurtion and collaboration and resistance gets a bit more clear. II Resstance in Compulsion for Solace - Om Geirr Tveitt Geirr Tveitt Norwegian composer Compsed 12 stufigeVorstudien He developed as dichotomy Scales through a system of double leading notes Dichotomy in mind One in 12 as one of 12 Discipline for the many a few To contradict in clear notes Tveitts connection to the milieu Of Journal Ragnarök Heideggers end Eclipse at solstrice conjunction of Birth in the dark new 1000 years to come and come His work as dissertation was rejected At the Kongelige Freds Riket [Fredriks Universitet] Jacques Handschin from Basle university And Ilmari Krohn Ilmarinen Godssmith Morbus Korhn Tveitts four Norse modes Rir, Sum ,Fum, Tyr Are churches Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian Handschin Jaques only rejected as never able in music theory racially impure 3/4 Waltz Waltz Vienna Congress 3 Kaiserbund destroyed


The 8th Album of my ENDLAGER Project is coming. 11 songs on it.

It has some hard stuff of real history and the interconnections again with older records of mine from the 1st EP on are now getting more precise.

Or some archives should or could open again doors for all. Especially the Red Army archives and medical Red Cross even receipts for delieveries made or should have been gotten made.

Well it begins now with the Martin Luthers words as the also a bit out of shape or intentions turned easier for bashing the EU today.

I am a Lutheran and I guess as many colonial debates have to get those ideas or thesis or suggestions only to bear in mind.

Well it has then also to do with the 2 WW as them both opponents signatures set to end the 2 WW in Berlin.

The original picture is from the Landesarchiv Berlin :


and yes it has to do or the songs have to do with some lyrics on my older records and best is, it has to do with the league of nations and the USSR. Besides You mistrust Swiss historical sources as taken from the Swiss admin homepages some informations linked.

Conventions leaving and opening gates to hell.

I hope You enjoy now the 1st mixes as the songs are in the making.

Gear: HK Black Spirit and Laney Ironheart and HK Red Box and Hotone Thunderbass. Software from Overloud and IK Multimedia and Yamaha and Steinberg.

The range of Bpm differ from 85 to 90 to 121 to 162 to 176 to 179.


released August 8, 2021


all rights reserved



Endlager Riehen, Switzerland

ENDLAGER I founded in 2012 for my own music fun. Played in some bands not so much to mention worth at all due politcal reasons. I began to play guitars 2007 as I quit the last band in 2001 where I played bass. ENDLAGER deals about lethal knowledge around but for the mainstream not suitable. Due also many various reasons as political as business for. ... more

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