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I​.​G. Farben

by Endlager

Financing as Kept Unknown Hitler wrote his book what remained not that much sold at 1st Rumours go editors made it big Financing the one taught acting As the one charismatiic Riddle ladden one 1932 police presidents report read No cllue or traces of big industry financing The Nazis The party upper elite should have been paid not the party itself As the state took the costs from 1933 The Nazis denied as workers to blind and bind The police didn't know coal industry or Reichsbahnverwaltung funding
I still don't get what for all these victims had to die for. Jewish and non Jewish assame. That classification of men and women hasn't been that needed for me. Cursed we all are while also means to seek our common place as in communities. Social being as we are. Quote from the archive IG Farben producer of Zyklon B As the idea of gas chambers invention from USA in the 1920ties Mass elimination as the colour blue Longest wave length in physics as to point Appollo Out of archives Got clear the whole industry Was also as secret war of the Abwehr Means for longer peridos after the 2 World Wars end Quote Sitzungsbericht 2,5.1941 I. Einführung Dr Schneider II. Referat Dr Bloch III. Referat Dr Heyde IV. Aussprache Nach der Eröffnung der Tagung durch Dr Schneider Danke Major Dr Bloch im Namen der Herren Admiral Canaris und Piekenbrock für die von der IG bisher geleistete wertvolle Mitarbeit und Unterstützung im Auslandsnachrichtendienst auf wehrwirtschaftlichem und wirtschaftlichem Gebiet. Hypocrisy as such the whole aftermath of the 2nd World wars trials Cursed we are as still not to understand
And here the one big thing as the whole Nazigold debate has been quite another discourse blending out or has been as a policy or more polices enabling then to get that big. Sounds now as what USA and UK have to bear as in world of la mafia and banking.. . Say financial crisis and clear traces to get some families more known in world politics and erm pimping music for Epsteins as not Ebstein old jewish german noble family. Baron Ebstein, who has been caring for the Görings. Alien Prepatory Custodian Preparatory measures for the needed war IG Farben has taught and hold seminars As to hide and disguise As for the actions The defeat to come As turning point 1943 oil empire German never to become true and so whom evers order in Zürich Aeroportr the ETH plundered depots in 1944 as Synthetisches Flugbenzin As the reason Alien Preparatory Custodian To hurt Mammons business Catalogue of creditor and debtors curses Cleansing in finances undone business As clayman loan contracts Bonds and mortgages letters of debts Service contracts Blankovollmachten Dividends agreement & contracts fictional Lombard credits future & pre emption rights Reasonable Alien Preparatory Custodian Mammons own purgatory in business Catalogue of cursed debtors and creditors Cursing solicitors
Well all speak Swiss had been that much traitors or else. While not that much the whole truth. in fact there have various sides been aiming at Switzerland. As real by Swiss state set up documents gets clear they should have paid to 3 Reich war compensations for meant to hungaria and Balkans. While then meant to get own debtors and immobilia seized and or confiscated. in Fact the banks have loaned to no credit worthy persons also credits just for that reason. They would all end up on street. Say the profiteurs role was made up. And more the compensationy pay as bank clearing meant also to get new classed former property as common grounds as woods and other goods as pay to the 3 Reich. Here the one main document from 9th March 1945 (ides of March ain't it?) https://www.amtsdruckschriften.bar.admin.ch/viewOrigDoc.do?id=10035259 Bundesrates an die Bundesversammlung betreffend die gemäss Bundesbeschluss vom 14. Oktober 1933 erlassenen wirtschaftlichen Massnahmen gegenüber dem Ausland, sowie Botschaft Über die Verlängerung des genannten Bundesbeschlusses. (Vom 9. März 1945.) Herr Präsident! Hochgeehrte Herren! Wir beehren uns, Ihnen nachstehend von den weitern Massnahmen Kenntnis zu geben, die wir auf Grund des Bundesbeschlusses vom 14. Oktober 1983 über wirtschaftliche Massnahmen gegenüber dem Ausland getroffen haben ... Bundesratsbeschluss über die vorläufige Regelung des Zahlungsverkehrs mit Ungarn. (Vom 20. Dezember 1944.) Der schweizerische Bundesrat, gestützt auf den Bundesbeschluss vom 14. Oktober 1938/22. Juni 1939 über •wirtschaftliche Massnahmen gegenüber dein Ausland, ... ßundesratsbeschluss über die vorläufige Regelung des Zahlungsverkehrs mit Kroatien. (Vom 20. Dezember 1944.) Der schweizerische Bundesrat, gestützt auf den Bundesbeschluss vom 14. Oktober 1933/22. Juni 1989 über wirtschaftliche Massnahmen gegenüber dem Ausland, im Sinne einer vorsorglichen Verfügung, beschliesst : Art. 1. Sämtliche Zahlungen, die von in der Schweiz domizilierten natürlichen oder juristischen Personen direkt oder indirekt an natürliche oder juristische Personen geleistet werden, welche ihren Wohnsitz oder ihren Sitz oder den Ort der geschäftlichen Leitung in Kroatien haben oder in der Zeit zwischen dem 1. Mai 1940 und dem heutigen Tage hatten, dürfen nur durch Einzahlung an die Schweizerische Nationalbank erfolgen. Art. 2, Zahlungen für in die Schweiz eingeführte oder einzuführende Waren mit Ursprung in Kroatien sind auch dann an die Schweizerische Nationalbank zu leisten, wenn die Waren über ein Drittland oder durch einen nicht in Kroatien domizilierten Zwischenhändler geliefert werden, desgleichen dann, wenn die Forderungen von einer nicht in Kroatien domizilierten Person geltend gemacht werden. Art. 8. Die Verfügung übe ... --- Swiss Resorts as to Blame From 15th march 1943 on Major Dr Gäfgen retired from Afrika Corps Took the lead of DIKO as 322 enterprises German Swiss to care f or the war damages also to wash Gold worth as the money drain As defeat to come clear as Major Gäfgen Was to plan by transactions Thw world to come in policies Not that known Belgium treasury as Belgian Congolese treasure by the Nazis brought to Switzerland Blame as the shame was While known hypocrisy and treason on all sides Abuse of Swiss production capacities As Swiss state agreed with 3 Reich to pay also by clearing War damages in Hungaria and Balkans what the USA and UK knew and also kept on Plan as to keep war profits blamed for People in Switzerland poor as by Debts on bonds and mortgages has and state property woods as goods as payments
On Pain and Blood Built The concentration camps got erected from 1943 the order to become death camps by forced labour [abuse] The shame to come as Mammons disorder As the bourgeois profits by the war industry next to slavery Slavery and pawnships not that long ago before the 2nd world war to bring other reasons to get known ended officially And as in Nurnberg trials document 1472 - PS A mail from Gestapochef Müller to Himmler Reads As for increase of labour force 45 000 jewish labbelled shall be sent to Auschwitz from which 10 000 to 15 000 After phasing out Withdrawals Shall be working All else to die.


This EP is a fastshot. I recorded the riffs on 26th June 2022. And now they are then made up.
2 Doom songs on 71 bpm and the 3 other ones a bit faster as 169 bpm.

Well I have now some issues long since I wrote and sung about on the other records now made also more visible.

I rely on thiis EP only on that book here and then also quite strong on Swiss federal archive documents.
as after the book from 2004 on Hitlers jewish soldiers written by former West Point US Military elite academy and in Israel as known author employed as one should also get to know.

I guess them super Epstein elites as ransom for as colonsm renevenging then like to deny and also blackmail Israell defence forces. as Deutschlandfunk as them NSDAP and what all KKK never getting Germansy is obliged by law to do such known and research. Clintons has confessed to censor Finnish war history phd by mr Jokisipilä as attempted to do world wide. Well he is KKK ancestry bearing as Arkansa also one the last mass lynch mobs having had. Could have been on his grandpas farm.. . He belongs for me to slavers as that mentality as pimp Biden with minor aged as US media told and other ones world wide but they like to close our mouths as policy and so forth by UNHCR means even.
and best many of them jewish labbeled as half jewish and quarter jewish as General Manstein Wehrmacht Eastern Front and many in Luftwaffe as Göring and his lil brother saving as could have been for other operationbs after the defeat and the always bashing as for money GM and so forth. Degeneration by drug abuse and other causes. See abortion rights not matching to EU Charta. What happens if then one EU lady gets raped and doesn't want to bear the child while not permitted in time as money for health care operations Epsteiners like to Home France or Spain or Greece?


Bryan Mark Rigg: Hitlers jüdische Soldaten
Ein zeitgeschichtliche Buch, das ein bisher völlig unterbelichtetes Kapitel des Dritten Reiches beleuchtet und dessen Titel allein manch einem schon als Provokation erscheinen mag, ist „Hitlers jüdische Soldaten“. Mehr als 400 von ihnen hat der amerikanische Historiker Bryan Rigg für sein Buch befragt, solche nämlich, die nach der NS-Terminologie als Halb- oder Vierteljuden galten und dennoch in der Wehrmacht kämpften – nach Recherchen des Autors waren es insgesamt etwa 150.000.

Von Igal Avidan | 10.05.2004




Hitlers "jüdische" Soldaten
Rund 150.000 Juden trugen die Uniform der deutschen Wehrmacht. Das Motiv war meist die Hoffnung, die eigene Verwandtschaft zu schützen. Oder selbst zu überleben. Der US-Historiker Bryan Mark Riggs hat Schicksale nachgezeichnet.


Here the book I have also this quite interesting document taken from as cover.

IG Farben has produced the Auschwitz gas chambers Zyklon B. But here as part of the 3 Reich Abwehr means secret service under command of Admiral Canaris a man with the name Bloch is quoted. Main problem, this is a momre or less typical jewish german and french name.

What such a jewish man has been doing while clearly all known about the death camps to come. As the main point the defeat was predicted. The whole thing is then as aftermath as in all economic fields been taken further on. The wrong jewish as Luther also cursed as Mammons business is also quiite shaken. Main demon for monies and that all in that much disorder only real hard measures as now EU has taken into account to get clean and sober bank accountances and so forth.

This is among many other possible also war reasons as the whole financing of the Nazi party has been unknown. While say some are known. And means as my 1st song is relying on a police report the Police president in 1932 didn't like to interfere as was already made up by also others that the NSDAP has to get to power.

Well sounds crazy but facts also speak kind of such hidden actions of secret or non secret societies.
And yes the Swiss governental documents I rely on also speak of last agreement with 3 Reich in March 1945 what the US and UK also liked to keep up. Say war reparations or kind of like to pay to hungaria and Balkans or so.

And the main thing is the Swiss government had to seize and let immobilie confiscate and also prepared by parcellling or new classifying soil as common grounds forests woods and other goods as pay to get then sent.

Didn't happen to be so as then for other reasons as political 1990ties time and what all other kind of show has been made up.


IG Farben. Vom Rat der Götter
Die Verbrechen der Manager der IG Farben in zwei verheerenden Weltkriegen sind belegt und weltweit bekannt, weniger jedoch die Methoden, Kunstgriffe und Maßnahmen, die zu ihrer Machtfülle und zu deren Missbrauch führten. Genau davon ist in Janis Schmelzers neuem Buch vorrangig die Rede.
Seine Darstellung möchte einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Verständnis des Phänomens IG FARBEN leisten, vor allem dazu, wie ein gut bürgerliches, international anerkanntes Unternehmen sich zum NS-Musterbetrieb entwickeln konnte. Die Geschichte des größten Chemiekonzerns Europas umfasst das Werden der Vorläufer des Konzerns von der Jahrhundertwende über die Gründung des «Gemeinschaftsrates» (Rat der Götter») mitten im 1. Weltkrieg, dessen Wirken bis zum endgültigen Zusammenschluß und sein Verfall 1937/38. Das Jahr 1932 wird als Weichenstellung für den weiteren Werdegang des Konzerns gekennzeichnet. Dabei war die Orientierung des Heereswaffenamtes auf die Kriegswürdigkeit des synthetischen Benzin von ausschlaggebender Bedeutung.
Anliegen des Autors ist es, nicht nur Personen mit Vor- und Sachkenntnis zu erreichen, sondern vor allem auch LeserInnen zu gewinnen, die noch nie von der IG Farben gehört haben, oder andere, die wissen möchten, was die IG Farben waren, welche Rolle sie spielten und weshalb es wichtig ist, sich auch heute noch mit diesem außergewöhnlichen Monopol zu beschäftigen.

For the Source on the Cover here the permissive historic archive sources as thankfully from Mr Janis Schmelzers book used:


Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Landwirtschaft, Bau, Verkehr, Umwelt
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Vertragsarchiv (in Bearbeitung)
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Verkaufsgemeinschaft Öle (in Bearbeitung)
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Werk Auschwitz
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Zentralbuchhaltung (in Bearbeitung)
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Verkaufsgemeinschaft Foto bzw. Agfa Berlin SO 36 (in Bearbeitung)
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Bergwerksverwaltung (in Bearbeitung)
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Zentrale der Konzernverwaltung Frankfurt/M. (in Bearbeitung)
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Rechtsabteilung
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Direktionsabteilung
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Verkaufsgemeinschaft Farben, Abt. Britisch Indien (in Bearbeitung)
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Stickstoffkalkulation (in Bearbeitung)
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG - Volkswirtschaftliche (Vowi) und Wirtschaftspolitische Abteilungen (Wipo) (in Bearbeitung)
R 8128 IG Farbenindustrie AG in Liquidation (in Bearbeitung)

I wish You as hope You got interested in own research as some careers of Epstein guys ended .. .
Besides they like to set archives as on Balkans as reparations unpaid while clearly should have paid but Nazigold Clintons affairs against Nurnberg trials and German laws.. .


(Finckensteinallee 63, 12205 Berlin, berlin@bundesarchiv.de)
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released July 1, 2022


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Endlager Riehen, Switzerland

ENDLAGER I founded in 2012 for my own music fun. Played in some bands not so much to mention worth at all due politcal reasons. I began to play guitars 2007 as I quit the last band in 2001 where I played bass. ENDLAGER deals about lethal knowledge around but for the mainstream not suitable. Due also many various reasons as political as business for. ... more

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