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by Endlager

Hagar Arabah 04:40
The lyrics can be read as should have been also understood that the early Arabs like the Hebrew have been matrilinear organised. Say the dame owns the property as in this case the SemSem fountain. What leads to the Yemen problem or war for. The whole conflict has also in it the SemSem fountain as holy waters which have saved Ishmael from drought. So the Yemeni women are in the place or traditional line of the Mecca founders and by Saudis then also protected. This conflict bears more inner muslim or Islam interpretation. By the way I once heard that Mohammed liked to push in modern sense what many at UN didn't do for a long time recognize womens rights agains sexual offences and rape. Prophet Muhammaed like to permit that every woman can immeditaly accuse men for rape. Had some bruise and was then formed into 4 male witness should be then also claim justice. And so that was then made more or less useless. While normally matrilinear due the womens heritage in property rights also by ethnical distinction cause more stress on men. Patriarchs face more probllems by other men as these have to seek women from outside or remain or are enemies only more in sense of reproduction. Matrilinearity means also the recognition to belong to a group and ethnos. So every one claiming muslims can't be for womens rights is wrong. Also among muslims the same. Mecca is a womens founding by God given to survive the Sem Sem fountain. Hagar Arabah Abraham the wanderer in Region Arabah the plain desert of Paran The Arabah Where Moses spoke to all Israel Hagar wife egyptiamn enslaved by bounds As of noble descent as Abraham Tree of life with many women As birth of kingdoms and nations as Gods Plan Sarai still complained Hagar fled To the Beersheba Way to Shur An angel appeared and told her she a wild man his hand shall be against everyman and vice versa and he shall dwell in the face of his brethren (Genesis 16:12) The Angel told the name was to be Ishmael As Hagar named God El -Roi As to God Abraham should offer Sarahs son Isaac He was to offer Ishmael as he brought Hagar to Beersheba He left as 2 kingdoms to come As to found the fountain from Paradise SemSem SemSem As the source by Gods stream for Hagar son Ishmael to survive As Hagar ran 7 times from Al-Safa to Al-Marwah
As I have also written a song about shaping or more than one wriiten lyrics for songs on nation or christianity shaping and consolidating what has been quite a blood shed full time among the Roman empires and beyond religious groups. I got this one and found the Roman empire has after the judaic wars later on installed by law the division of Christians and Jewish. To divide them up which have been praying the gospel in the same synagogue. By taxing then poverty and riches as for millenia then stereotype of that kind had by laws again then stressed or formed more the roots of antisemitism. By the way the semsem fountain is one for the Christian not meant or what??? There have been more groups of judea than the eternal battle between theocracies perhaps as the Hittite have been more to be the Japhet and the other branches of the region the Sem idols or main figures bound to. That book here has shown more insight by that jewish taxes by the Roman Empire in the 1st century after christ. And erm the death at the end of the book means as the resurrection by Christ for all to do. Not automatically real death. While Paulus has been as Saulus as job to do. Here the book: https://www.chbeck.de/leppin-fruehen-christen/product/24058580 Leppin, Hartmut Die frühen Christen VON DEN ANFÄNGEN BIS KONSTANTIN Die frühen Christen bildeten keineswegs eine homogene Gruppe, geschweige denn eine Kirche. Von ihrem Wirken in der Welt, aber auch von den Irritationen, die sie bei Zeitgenossen auslösten, handelt dieses Buch. Es soll zugleich die modernen Leser irritieren: Die antiken Christen sind durch eine lebendige Erinnerung und durch ein gemeinsames textliches Erbe – die Bibel – eng mit der heutigen Welt verbunden, selbst für diejenigen, die dem christlichen Glauben fernstehen. ... --- Fiscus Judaicus In the years after the judea war The Roman Empire decided to erode from jewish the christians The law Fiscus Judaicus was to as to read whom from the syngogue didn't like to pay taxes for the gospel If not wantede one was to choose The life as christians in poverty Petros Christ Janus Tears from Stone Fire Enlightenment in the dark Of the Dead - Osiris Past and future Chrematisai Roman law as judging for Judges asked them cross if they like to deny Christ Jesus Those which accepted Went to die Rite de passage Death
https://www.verlagshaus-roemerweg.de/Marix_Verlag/Ernst_Mueller_(Übers.)-Gerold_Necker_(Hrsg.)-Der_Sohar-EAN:9783865393364.html Kabbala bedeutet „Tradition“ und bezeichnet mystische Überlieferungen, die seit dem Mittelalter in einer Vielzahl von Schriften, meist Bibelkommentare oder Erklärungen zum „Buch der Schöpfung“, die religiöse Welt des Judentums inspirierten. Das wichtigste Werk, das in weiten Kreisen geradezu kanonische Geltung bekam, wurde unter dem Titel „Das Buch des Glanzes (Sohar)“ gedruckt. Es stellt eine Sammlung von Lehren dar, die der Tora eine mystische Dimension geben: Gott offenbart sich selbst in einer für den frommen Menschen zugänglichen Gestalt und bleibt mit ihm, seinem Handeln, seiner Geschichte und der Welt, in der wir leben, in wechselseitiger Verbindung. Ernst Müller, ab 1911 Bibliothekar der jüdischen Gemeinde in Wien und Anhänger von Rudolf Steiners Anthroposophie, übersetzte einen beachtlichen Teil des Sohar zum ersten Mal in die deutsche Sprache und ordnete die Texte in thematischen Einheiten neu. --- Lily of Sharon - Rose of the Deep Lliy of Sharon as meant folk Expelled had to be craves for getting embedded in the garden Eden due her beauty Lliy went to be soaked by the deep river the source all rivers [of life] The lily non lilith non Lilin shivers in green As from the deep hidden from all sides Dimensional planes The lily becomes the rose in white and red Roser her name as she changes the colours As Lily to unite with the King After Kisses she gets called Rose united with the King Rose of the deep as her changing colours Soon to the good , Soon to the mean bad Soon to the trial , Soon to the love Tree of life As to eat and taste death Bow down the many folk varying Cite the site sited Before the tree of life Flame of the turning sword As eating and to taste death
Now the interesting point from those early songs here. The hittite have been a theocracy and by Hellenic Parthians as god El of the Parthians as Hebrews and other regional groups the whole millienia enduring war or battle among the leader ship of Judeo Hellenist or older groupings as jewish called have appeared. Could be as all from Wikipedia sources which can also mutate or mislead then such ideas arise. Well the debate about them in the book by Leppin on early chstianity between Peter and Paul is quite interesting. Paulus accused Petros or Peter not to be jewish as not circumcised. What then also due almost same words could have been or same sounding aramaic names Kephas the Jesus disciple and Keiphas he high priset who intrigued against Jesus. One main point is tough the 3 Reich has had the Ostjude what is then the hebrew or judeaic tribe of Japhet to be. It was like then presumed as John the Priest King from the east to save Europes christians in medieval times. Peter and Paul Argue Fisherman Galiean and Saulus from Polis Tarsus Referring to Tarsa name Hittites As Anchiale daughter of Japhet Argos as Strabo meant people Anchiale founded her own her son Cydnus gave the river near by the name Tarsos Son of Cydnus was Parthenius Parthenia to become Anchiale the town Tarsus Centuries and Millenia until 3 reich the batte between the 2 judeo folk Japhet and Sem Peter and Paul argued in a basic debate Paul called Peter by name aramaic Kephas almost Keiphas the Priest King Kephas as You came to Antiochia as he spoke unjust Then as before he ate with Jacob He ate with the heathens As he Kephas Petros feared circumcision And Paul confronted with the words Kephas If You are the man judaic live as he heathen And not jewish Why are You forcing the heathens to live judaic?
while my songs among hard Swiss rappers and non matching scenes to this one here are around and like to attack by defamations as Endsieg Guys IS sickos like.. Well I have now cleary told what war crimes rape cases are. During 2nd world war have various crueliets got permitted by Stalin and his kind by setting out own war trials on crimes. I even think as pevetein as Crystal meth and bad fermented alcohol cause brain damages as known from such cruel homicide cases that back then as also field brothels with forced prostitutes even Auschwitzz had one own brothel , which got infected themselves with Syphilis. as the womens body should also as sign of might and power infect them soldiers on both sides. I know that there are various unexpected army officers as from Switzerland among the witnesses. As in Antony Beevors book below on the retreat of 3 Reich to the west there have some OECD war observers like witness the crimes and the treks of refugees. The Finnish army with Swedish volunteers have withdrawn their own from Waffen SS Viking Legion in 1943 .As Dr Mengele got by order to Auschwitz also withdrawn from the VIking Legion. So them by mr Antony Beeevor mentioned Swedish speaking what Finnish have untl 2008 as second national offical language to learn at school. Higher officers as gentry anyway among other languages as French and English and Norwegisn/Danish and German. So the message is clear and I hate to say that rape and other such mistreatment don't get counted as war crimes. The humilation as part of the torture convention UN doesnt' write it out. Only the show executions but not the sexual abuse. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.de/Buch/Als-die-Soldaten-kamen/Miriam-Gebhardt/DVA-Sachbuch/e449923.rhd Die Soldaten, die am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs Deutschland von der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft befreiten, brachten für viele Frauen neues Leid. Zahllose Mädchen und Frauen (und auch etliche Männer) wurden Opfer sexueller Gewalt, überall im Land. Denn entgegen der weit verbreiteten Vorstellung wurden nicht nur »die Russen« zu Tätern, sondern auch Amerikaner, Franzosen und Briten. Auf Basis vieler neuer Quellen umreißt Miriam Gebhardt erstmals historisch fundiert das Ausmaß der Gewalt bei Kriegsende und in der Besatzungszeit. Zugleich beschreibt sie eindrücklich, wie die vergewaltigten Frauen in späteren Jahren immer wieder zu Opfern wurden: von Ärzten, die Abtreibungen willkürlich befürworteten oder ablehnten, von Sozialfürsorgern, die Schwangere in Heime steckten, von Juristen, die Entschädigungen verweigerten. Und nicht zuletzt von einer Gesellschaft, die bis in unsere Tage die massenhaft verübten Verbrechen am liebsten beschweigen und verdrängen würde. --- https://www.penguinrandomhouse.de/Paperback/Berlin-1945-Das-Ende/Antony-Beevor/Pantheon/e359140.rhd Frühjahr 1945: Nazi-Deutschland kämpft verzweifelt gegen die Niederlage an. Von Osten rollt Stalins Millionenheer heran, im Westen führen die Alliierten ebenfalls einen erbitterten Kampf gegen die deutsche Wehrmacht. Gemeinsames Ziel ist Berlin, das Herz des Nazi-Regimes. Mit der Präzision des Historikers und der sprachlichen Kraft des Romanautors schildert Antony Beevor hautnah und mit erschütternder Authentizität jenen Albtraum aus Gewalt, Tod und Zerstörung, den Millionen Menschen auf allen Seiten erleben mussten. --- War Crime Rape always At the end of 2nd World War The Red Army as 3 Reich before under drugs Pervetin, Crsytal Meth today, with all kind Of things to push adrenaline and hate as alcohol Stalin gave parole [order] Rape none like a war crime anymore Swiss army medics officers among as neutral On both sides as at eastern front Brothels filled with forced prostitutes to infect On both enemies sides with syphlilis [causing mental disturbandes and affection to violence in combination with drugs as above mentioned] Some groups fighting as were Partisansa and partisans to blame for [scapegoat] as bunch of own criminals permitted to rape All women even their own Red Army comrades So them both enemies sung about women and colour blue as all knew about the horrors Of raped and feces thrown mutilated to the worst Women and their children too As on death marches set as no own Wartide to fear 3 Reichs men coming from to Slesia sent their families away tool their womens clothes and prepared to attack under the wooden floorboards hidden Finnish army withdrew 1943 from Viking Legion Swedish speaking soldiers watched and witnessed the retreat of 3 Reich to the west War crime Rape always is
This book below has quite good informations about the Jazz in 3 Reich. It is another book and shows also as naughty Jazz and else was forbidden or loved also by SS men and women. Yes many as I did for a long time SS had also armed women as guards most for the KZ. Some t the end have even had some fights with Wehrmacht soldiers coming from the eastern Front back. Well this case here is more interesting as many SS men had even some half jewish loved ones or have been fans of such women as Evelyn Künneke. There are also some more individuals as not known Norwegian Lutherans and blondes to say more Germanics have been also in KZs. The whole thing for the Nazigold debate and Bill CLintons career went back then out of hands and Switzerland was then the nation to blame. Easy prey and some sort of Epstein and that kind in the back. Well anyway now to this life story. Evelyn Künneke was by Gestapo arrested in Berlin at the end of the war and should get executed. Her SS men and women as I guess fans of her saved her as she should sing some Ella Fitzgerald Songs for the last 3 Reichs moments as Propaganda with perhaps different wording. https://www.kiwi-verlag.de/buch/michael-h-kater-gewagtes-spiel-9783462401066 Der Jazz mit seiner Spontanität, Improvisation und Individualität wurde von den Nazis als eine Bedrohung ihrer Weltanschauung begriffen, zumal viele der Jazzkünstler Schwarze oder Juden waren.Michael H. Kater zeichnet Porträts der bekannten Jazzkünstler, Jazzfans und Impresarios, schildert ihre Verfolgung, Vertreibung und mitunter ihr gewaltsames Ende in den Händen der Nazis.Ein faszinierendes Buch über Gegenkultur in Nazideutschland. --- Evelyn Künneke - As Half Jewish Saved by SS men Fans of Her In the time where disgrace of race as by love or sexuality was lethal As SS Men murdered the ideal blondes [and black haired, too] For as labbelled even wrong as jewish As by race theory and as by jewish themselves Not that label having right to bear Hypocrisy in that Reich To vanish in 12 years time As magical belief lying liars lairs beneath Evelyn Künneke as spared out From execution she as half jewish Singing Scat at the Front before SS men Whie she accused for defeatism Speaking what was for all to see The End of the 3 Reich She tough convicted to death by Gestapo but the SS men fans of her Saved her as she was sounding like Ella Fitzgerald
this time on Lale Andersen, which is also quite a magical singress as by SS saved or even Goebbels himself, he as the Bock of the UFA Studios nicknamed. She shouldn't become a martyr. So again that contradictionary stand in history. She so clearly should have been as enemy for 3 Reich as her life shows, but then not been deported at all. So there are more of such cases which show there have been other standards as by means also then complete only the holocaust. Say that one is more the big time arguement while other operations perhaps or probably ongoing are in the background running. So many cases of US racism and also war crimes as by many many more. So why then the Nazis as only one bad guys in the world or the meanest? On my opinion as Nazis and communists have cooperated in that sense of mass murder or other operations have been on. https://www.kiwi-verlag.de/buch/michael-h-kater-gewagtes-spiel-9783462401066 Der Jazz mit seiner Spontanität, Improvisation und Individualität wurde von den Nazis als eine Bedrohung ihrer Weltanschauung begriffen, zumal viele der Jazzkünstler Schwarze oder Juden waren.Michael H. Kater zeichnet Porträts der bekannten Jazzkünstler, Jazzfans und Impresarios, schildert ihre Verfolgung, Vertreibung und mitunter ihr gewaltsames Ende in den Händen der Nazis.Ein faszinierendes Buch über Gegenkultur in Nazideutschland. --- Lale Andersen - 3 Reich avoided her becoming Martyr The Frisian Lili Marleen as she was labbelled Prototype of Blonde Fraulein feel from grace in 3 Reich She as having been Chansioniere in political cabaret And has sung Brecht and Weils opera Mahagonny She fell in love with Rolf Liebermann in Zurique She almost married that jewish composer and after 45 Jazzer But she liked to have mission impossible in those times Switzerland an own career A letter to Hirschfeld by Gestapo captured Accusation for high treason as concentration camp From 1941 - 1942 Andeersen sang Lili Marleen And was the hit in Belgrad Radio And was envied by the love of man [hinkel] Anita Spada liked to end her lover SS man [hinkel] love Lale After Stalingrad 3 Reichs defeat in 1943 She was permitted again to sing but never sing Lili Marleen song again Her oldest son at eastern Front And rumours went Goebbels liked to avoid Her becoming a martyr Tough Hitlerjugend was for a mission driven to a concert of hers to yell her down A letter to Hirschfeld by Gestapo captured Accusation for high treason as to concentration camp Goebbels avoided her becoming a martyr
Here some more cool stuff. Well means the whole Anglican church foundings and stress with Vatican have been more or less then ridiculous in that sense as also Henry 8 should have known not the Vatican forbid the regency of women but no the Lex Salica. The darks ages began to darken later in late medieval times. Flanders as long period of women as regents as before in Constantinoel or Eastern Rome with Empresses for many years. So women have endured a back down due perhaps just Henry the 8th kind of kings or types. And more as all speak of Jeanne d' Arc, as Arch of Noah or simply like perhaps a bastard daughter playing her role aside the Eduard III and his mother not having become the Queen. Means also establishment of patriarchal system of heritage lines for power and might. So them 3 women I took from that fine book on Duchy Burgundy deal about Christine de Pizan from lower ranks having become up the ladder and them both sisters having led Burgundy to rise Joanna and Margaret. Perhaps in other sources especially on Jeanne (joana Ioannaina) D Arc such references should lead some more research. Looks completly different as older rights for female regency by heritage she could have stood for even. https://www.chbeck.de/burgund/product/30142413 Burgund DAS VERSCHWUNDENE REICH Burgund ist ein Wunder. Das mächtige Reich, das sich im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich schob, vereinte spätmittelalterliche Hochkultur mit einer Blüte von Renaissance und Humanismus. Bart Van Loo erzählt die Geschichte des Reiches von der Antike bis zu seinem plötzlichen Untergang um 1500 so spannend, dass sich dem Leser die Welt der Ritterturniere und Stundenbücher, der Herzöge und Handelsstädte, die Welt Jan van Eycks und François Villons unvergesslich einprägt.... r>Bart Van Loo präsentiert die Geschichte Burgunds wie ein sich immer weiter zuspitzendes Drama in 1111 Jahren und einem Tag: Das «vergessene Millennium» reichte vom antiken Königreich Burgund bis zum mittelalterlichen Herzogtum, das durch seine Burgen und Klöster - nicht zuletzt Cluny und Cîteaux - weit über seine Grenzen hinaus ausstrahlte ... --- Christine de Pizan and Joanna and Margaret of Flanders Female Regency Born decades after crusades and templars end in the republic of Venice she grew up as daughter Of Thomas de Pizan [no] a physcian court astrologer And concillor of Republic of Venice She married notary and secretary royal Etienne de Castel her father became King Charles V de France astrologer her husband died due plague 1389 And she became homme des lettres De femelle devins masle [older medieval french] She got aggressed by the clergy and universities Because of her writing 'As one keeps an eye one notices women of all stands during her lives as widows have kept their property and got loved and respected by their Subordinates as their men' or even more Hospice Comtesse as sign in Lille Of regency of sisters Joanna and Margaret From 1214 to 1278 Reminds of he incredible rise of Flanders back then Lex Salica 1327 forbid The regency of women by heritage What Isabelle de France forbid the regency And her son Eduard III a deacde later began the 100 years war
This one here is a diss against them still having some hatred or else in mind. And what is their goal as they been knowning old Germanic are matrilinearily organised say women have had more power and more to say in old Germanic means. Say in Finland the brother from mother sides is eno by name while father brother is the setä. In the most unisex names English languagssimply uncle as in Icelandic the name dottir as daughter is mentioned. This could have been or has been down to old Germania I guess or then rest of Scandinavia . While also in Italy and southern nations there la Mama has more to say. Well anyway. here the problem is an excavation which has then shown a warrior with female attributes and todays mainly US papers or else simply then also suggest Oden as a queer or such kind of stuff. But here the information that that grave excavated in the 70ties or so has been in fact been a real woman. not as they all presumed as Shaman. https://www.zdf.de/dokumentation/zdf-history/das-geheimnis-der-wikinger-kriegerin-100.html Again here the old mesopotamic or my song on Kesafmin meaning all magical powers were then connotated as female. And women were never permitted to bear arms. And so that also clichee went then round. But believe me most Shamans are the super macho or tough guys. If You meet such men never call then homosexual,. They simply don't like it. Well it has also to do with some policies in the back as then SS men and women , yes like USSR had also women under arms, could have been also homosexuals. It is more of such an attraction and kind of humilation or then self humilation for permitting LGBTIQ. What a word far too big for me. So the failure of downgraiding women as non fighting persons and best among the matrilinearly organised Vikings or Fennoscandinavia is then kind of erm .. not that much done right. https://magnus-hirschfeld.de/ausstellungen/institut-fur-sexualwissenschaft-1919-1933/ Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (1919-1933) m Jahre 1919 erfüllte sich der Sexualarzt und Sexualreformer Magnus Hirschfeld einen lange gehegten Wunsch. Er eröffnete am 6. Juli im Hatzfeldschen Palais in Berlin-Tiergarten das weltweit erste “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft”. Politisch entstand das Institut mit den Reformbewegungen der Weimarer Zeit, wissenschaftlich im Zusammenhang mit den bio-medizinischen Erklärungen der Sexualität des Menschen. Die Institutsgründung ist der erste Versuch der Etablierung einer Sexualwissenschaft. ... --- Research by Machismo Failure In times to consolidate after great wars world wide Manhood as kind of denying older realities in communal order as gender issues as to evoke for sexual minorities mocking pain and relief Roaring 20ties knew sexual [research] office in Berlin But after 33 and 45 some other policies took research and rationality aside What was impossible ass to deny womens strength and power Was to hide and male and female magii As for a long time Viking ideal for SS women even Viking grave excavation was told to be never any kind of possible by facts Female attributes nex to only for to be misunderstood Male signs of power Was to be told as for later poliicies Vikings shamans shjould have been androgyn What was impossible To think of and was to deny Women Viking Noble or even leaders of the pack Dragonhead [drakkar ship] she could have led To raids and command men and other women, too, To Battle
The operation Jubilee the landing at Dieppe by British and Commonwealth Canada army failed. While then as I read some Swiss federal archives short text about German Canadian women which Swiss staff or Army even has shipped back and forth as much as I know. Say where internees and Swiss staff took more or less worlde wide the guarding job in many many british colonies and even 3 Reichs Ally Japan as in Hiroshima even. There exists also a book on one Jewish German man whose stay or costs in Swiss Baselland psychiatry was paid by Canada. So for me there are other things in the back. As such then also the English Speaking Waffen SS legion was for a long time a taboo and British gentry hasn't been that much against 3 Reich to some part. Well means now the idea that them lost Canadians which got buried by the Wehrmacht in German Wehrmacht style and quite luxerious could have been Germanic Canadian citizens which then have been brought or shipped to Rumania Ukrainian Donezk side as the same German Wehrmacht infantry divison was completly annihilated. While then at the end say in 1944 and 1945 the US milliary landing operation in just that are of Rumania could have been as not known and made public a kind of repatriation operation. in Books of Antony Beevor such strange occasions or occurences have been described. Say German anglized got then as former jewish or else than as Anglican at D Day as by parachute elites soldiers to fight their own brothers. One case mr Beevor describes is the younger brother even in Hitlerjugend SS Divsion. It is only a vague hypothesis,. but hey who dares wins. And more the German Abwehr and MI5 and OSS have survielled the same Swis man or other nation by name Otto Hatz in Istandbul. As US archive.org tells. https://ca.france.fr/en/normandy/article/dieppe-memorial Dieppe Memorial --- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Jubilee Die Wehrmacht legte einen Friedhof für die gefallenen Soldaten an. Dieser heißt heute Dieppe Canadian War Cemetery.[5] Die Gräber wurden nach deutschem Muster in Reihen, mit Grabsteinen Rücken an Rücken angelegt – unüblich für alliierte Soldatenfriedhöfe. Contacts have been there between 3 Reich and also USSR. https://www.recherche.bar.admin.ch/recherche/#/de/suche/resultat?q=%7B"searchGroups":%5B%7B"searchFields":%5B%7B"key":"allData","value":"Kanada"%7D,%7B"key":"creationPeriod","value":"1939%20-%201945"%7D%5D,"fieldOperator":1,"id":1%7D%5D,"groupOperator":1%7D&op=%7B"enableExplanations":false,"enableHighlighting":true,"enableAggregations":true%7D&qs=%7B"skip":60,"take":10%7D&as=true Schutzmachtabteilung: Kanada Signatur: E2200.56-06#KA 1941 - 1944 Serie Zu den Favoriten hinzufügen Im Archivplan zeigenArchivplankontext anzeigen Post- und Telegrammzensur in Kanada Signatur: E2001D#1000/1551#3369* 1939 Dossier Prüfung nötig In den Bestellkorb legenZu den Favoriten hinzufügen Im Archivplan zeigenArchivplankontext anzeigen Glückwunsch- und Beileidsbezeugungen an Kanada durch den schweiz. Missionschef Signatur: E2001D#1000/1552#839* 1941 Dossier Prüfung nötig In den Bestellkorb legenZu den Favoriten hinzufügen Im Archivplan zeigenArchivplankontext anzeigen Consulate of Switzerland, Swiss Society of Vancouver, Swiss Canadian Rifle Club, Vancouver Signatur: J2.230#1996/431#1424* Kanada 1923 - 1984 Dossier Frei zugänglich In den Bestellkorb legenZu den Favoriten hinzufügen Im Archivplan zeigenArchivplankontext anzeigen Berichte über Besuche von Kriegsgefangenenlagern in Kanada Signatur: E2001-02#(2.d).B.52.2.(4).26 1939 - 1948 Serie Zu den Favoriten hinzufügen Im Archivplan zeigenArchivplankontext anzeigen Sonderzuwendungen - Kanada Signatur: E2001-02#1000/116#345* 1939 - 1948 Dossier Frei zugänglich In den Bestellkorb legenZu den Favoriten hinzufügen Im Archivplan zeigenArchivplankontext anzeigen Zahnbehandlung der Internierten in Kanada Signatur: E2001-02#1000/115#197* 1939 - 1948 Dossier Frei zugänglich In den Bestellkorb legenZu den Favoriten hinzufügen Im Archivplan zeigenArchivplankontext anzeigen Grossbritannien, Kanada, Indien Signatur: E4110A#1000/1840#621* 1918 - 1941 Dossier Prüfung nötig In den Bestellkorb legenZu den Favoriten hinzufügen Im Archivplan zeigenArchivplankontext anzeigen Verschiedenes deutscher Kriegsgefangener in Kanada Signatur: E2001-02#1000/115#204* ... --- --- Hypothesis on Operation Jubilee 10th August 1942 Operation Jubilee failed 70% of the allies mainly Canadians got lost led by Louis Mountbatten German Battenberg And named Operation Rutter How many hidden names Anglisized or in French spoken Have been offered to land in France to fight against 3 Reich The operation failed as siggested Hitler knew about while the graves for the fallen Mainly Canadians were by the Wehrmacht Organized as kind of their own the 302 Wehrmacht infantry division was formed to division 44 [as to end as all dead registered or..] Doneu Ukraine And to on Rumanian side a annihilated in Operation J Jassy Kischinew There where a more secret Landing operation of the USA was taking place While Swiss army shipped Canadian Women forth and back Long march the ghosts possible Canadian Germans way back home Canada paid ffor a German jew stay in Baselland psychiatry.


This is the 9the ENDLAGER Album counted without the 'Sanctioned' series and the instrumental album 'Only Melodies'.

This time I like to dedicate this album to women. As perfect number 9 in numerology as the last one before the double digits start.

It has from the beginning more political activism lyrics which could also then migration debate or same clichee bearing debates a bit other wise.
Then at 1st the town Mecca is founded by the Mother Hagar which has born the son which Mohammed the prophets blood line question as Sunni or the Shia then originate from.
Say without the mother Hagar and the fountain divine there would be no Islams precious or most important pilgrim town Mecca be around.
All musilms have to do the wallfahrt Hadj? Has to go to Mecca?
Say to the town of the Motherhood of Islam?
Then more such recent research showing that there are failures made by declaring a Viking queen warrior as Shaman.
And various else on 3 Reich stuff. As the old inner judaic battle or twist between Sem (as Mecca has the fountan SemSem as Anti Semite means then also against fountain of holyness.. ) and Japhet. The Eastern Jewish which then should probably by 3 Reich and USSR then annihilated.

Hope You dig some of it.


released January 31, 2022


all rights reserved



Endlager Riehen, Switzerland

ENDLAGER I founded in 2012 for my own music fun. Played in some bands not so much to mention worth at all due politcal reasons. I began to play guitars 2007 as I quit the last band in 2001 where I played bass. ENDLAGER deals about lethal knowledge around but for the mainstream not suitable. Due also many various reasons as political as business for. ... more

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